1 token = 1 hour of someone's time.

Trade, save, stake, buy, sell, all the things you do with money. Now with time.

For freelancers, creators, and individuals

  • Issue and manage a personal token.
  • Create a market for your time and get paid fairly for your labor.
  • Use your social capital, personal brand, and skills to get paid upfront.

For product builders and hodlers

  • Reserve time with top freelancers at any point.
  • Create, buy, and sell bundles of individuals' time.
  • Invest in creators, developers, makers who you think have bright futures.

Personal Tokens

Launch your own personal time token - Free.

Easily launch a token on the Ethereum blockchain that represents your time, just by pushing a button. We don't take a percentage or any fee for launching a token.

Explore featured users

Top users who we trust, who are featured on our site, and can sell their tokens to our users.

Store and save others time

Freelancers often get booked up. Buying their tokens (and communicating with them) gives you the chance to buy their time whenever and work with them later when your project is ready for their help.

Create a market for your time

Easily add your ERC-20 compliant token to Uniswap and create a market for your time where the price is set by demand.

Trade hours between people

Developers and designers can trade hours working on each others projects. Bring different kinds of people together at once for your ideas.

Stake time

Sell your personal tokens to earn crypto and join decentralized finance with an investment of time instead capital.

Convert your hours to tokens. Right now.

We help you issue your own token on the Ethereum blockchain. It's not just a number on our website, it's an actual asset you own, same as your labor and your time.

All tokens are ERC20 Compliant

Using a token that represents your time, you can access and contribute on most DeFi (Decentralized Finance) protocols. Your time/labor is valuable and you should be able to use it as collateral, leverage, capital, and everything you can do with any other token.

Powered by Ethereum

All tokens exist on the Ethereum Blockchain by default. Tell us if you want them to exist somewhere else too.

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Ready to convert your time to tokens?

Launch right now for free, or get some help.


Why did you build this?

We originally launched as an experiment but timeRex has already become so much more. To create something no one has created before, the first step towards a decentralized marketplace for individuals time

How do you know how much each token is worth?

The value of someone's time changes as they grow, learn, gain more skills, and industries evolve. There's not set price for any token launched through timeRex, nor is there any specific conversation rate between tokens.

Why would I use this?

Lots of reasons: As an experiment, in order to earn digital currencies like ETH, to get paid fairly, and benefit from your personal brand and social capital in a new way. Also for fun!

How do you know someone will really do work when tokens are redeemed?

Short answer: you don't. But you also don't know if someone will take your money and run if you sign a contract with them offline and pay upfront. In fact
all the most popular freelancing platforms are rampant with fraud and chargeback scams against workers. Ultimately, it comes down to social capital and reputation. Only work with people you trust, who have staked their good reputation on doing what they say they will.

What the heck is timeRex exactly?

timeRex is a tool to help people launch and sell personal tokens which represent through the Ethereum blockchain.
Learn about Blockchains
Learn about Ethereum
Learn about ERC-20 Tokens

I'm a ABC and I do XYZ, can I launch a token?

Yes! Anyone can do it. We predict developers, designers, and other digital native freelancers will have the easiest time selling and using their own tokens, but we encourage absolutely everyone to try it out. If you have any problem launching just reach out and we can help.

What are the fees? How much does this cost? Do you take a percent?

We have no fee and take no percentage of your tokens when you launch or manage your person tokens on our dApp.
When we launch bundles of tokens in the coming days, we plan to have a small fee under 5% for creating them.

How does TimeRex make money?

We don't take a cut of your token or secondary market fees. We support ourselves in two ways:
  1. Fees on time-token-bundles. You can bundle time tokens from different users into a single asset, which we take a small fee for doing.
  2. Creating a bigger market for our own personal time tokens.

Contact us

Got any questions? Don't hesitate to reach out.